Terrific Trains (9780753453063)

Amazing Machines: Terrific Trains by Tony Mitton

Big Trains, small trains, old trains, and new, rattling and whistling -- Choo, choo, choo! Preschoolers will chuckle as a wacky animal crew toots the whistle and treats them to the delights only a train journey can offer. Clickety-clack, whizz down the track, slow to a railroad crossing, rumble through a tunnel, and finally pull into the station where passengers await the fastest holiday flyer of them all!

Product details

  • 0-5
  • Paperback | 24 pages
  • 209 x 210 x 3mm | 113g
  • Kingfisher Books Ltd
  • London, United Kingdom
  • English
  • Illustrations, unspecified
  • 0753453061
  • 9780753453063
  • 79,565

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