McGraw-Hill's PCAT (9780071600453)

Complete preparation for the more than 30,000 students taking the PCAT each year

The number of Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT) test takers has doubled since 2001-and that number continues to grow. McGraw-Hill's PCAT provides comprehensive review of every test topic while preparing you for the new format of the test that was instituted in June 2007. With sample tests, test-taking strategies, and intricate scientific illustrations, you'll have all the preparation you need to perform at your very best on test day.

Product details

  • Paperback | 608 pages
  • 216 x 269 x 22mm | 1,064g
  • MCGRAW-HILL Professional
  • New York, NY, United States
  • English
  • 0071600450
  • 9780071600453

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