Free-Range Kids : How to Raise Safe, Self-Reliant Children (Without Going Nuts with Worry) (9780470574751)

FREE RANGE KIDS has become a national movement, sparked bythe incredible response to Lenore Skenazy?s piece about allowingher 9-year-old ride the subway alone in NYC. Parent groups arguedabout it, bloggers, blogged, spouses became uncivil with eachother, and the media jumped all over it. A lot of parents today,Skenazy says, see no difference between letting their kids walk toschool and letting them walk through a firing range. Any risk isseen as too much risk. But if you try to prevent every possibledanger or difficult in your child?s everyday life, that child nevergets a chance to grow up. We parents have to realize that thegreatest risk of all just might be trying to raise a child whonever encounters choice or independence.

Product details

  • Paperback | 256 pages
  • 154 x 227 x 18mm | 318g
  • Jossey Bass Wiley
  • Chichester, United Kingdom
  • English
  • 0470574755
  • 9780470574751
  • 18,943

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